Tuesday, November 25, 2008

South Africa will never learn

South Africa, having steamrolled Bangladesh in the first Test at home, have asked the pitch curator to prepare a grassy pitch for the second game in Centurion.

"We've asked for a lot of grass on the pitch, and for the wicket to favour the seamers." - coach Mickey Arthur.
He goes on to say that he wouldn't want to go into a game without a spinner, but something tells me he doesn't really believe it too much. South Africa never really have trusted their spinners, and hence will always never be the complete side. The sameness of the attack will eventually be their undoing - even if they do have some high quality pace guys now, especially Morne Morkel and Steyn, who are awesome on song.

I am looking forward to the 3 Tests home and away they play against Australia - a wobbling Australia vs. a confident South Africa. If only they trusted Harris/Peterson enough.

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