Friday, November 28, 2008

The bombs win, for now

Cricket is meaningless when shit happens, like in Mumbai just now. No wonder then that the 2 remaining ODIs got cancelled, and the CL T20 got postponed as well.

Shane Warne, never one to mince too many words, was stranded in Singapore enroute to Mumbai and the Taj Hotel. He is now returning home - thanking his stars and very gleefully. His piece here is a clear reflection of how he feels about the whole situation, but I can't help thinking that he could have added in 2 sentences about the trauma the people in Mumbai are going through - just couple of lines for political correctness, if for nothing else. It can't be all about - fuck, how lucky was I - when your thoughts are read by thousands, and you are revered by millions in the city that is reeling under a terror attack just now.

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